Monday, January 4, 2010


This instrumental started with 2 synths rhythmic and one 'choir-like.' Once I inserted the kick drum (that hits on every beat) I knew I had a good 'late-night-freeway-driving' song. I added an additional drum loop, 2 electric guitars, a flute, and a violin. Melodies were easy to create...the editing was the tricky part. Today I tried to do more with less...not just less instruments than usual, but also less chords. There are only 3 chords in this song (repeating a steady progression), so the challenge was arranging the progression of instruments. I think the addition and subtraction process worked. You might notice that the final guitar picking sequence enters one measure late. This was accidental at first, but I left it that way because it makes the same part sound different than the earlier times it appears in the song.

This song has a few (competing) low-end frequencies that were a challenge to mix. Too much low-end can cover up other sounds, but not enough low-end would cheapen this particular song. Fortunately, I got what I wanted on the second 'mastering' attempt.


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