Thursday, September 17, 2009

Song079_Views From Orbit

I'm not really sure what day it is anymore. Even when I look at my watch and see that it's "Thursday" I realize that days of the week provide little meaning or point-of-reference lately. If someone would've asked me what day it was today, then I probably would've had to check a few places before responding, "Day 79?"

Today was an unusual day of recording. I wrote and recorded this song in small (1-2 hour) segments throughout the day. I don't enjoy splitting it up into so many pieces. Breaks are good at producing fresh ears, but today was extreme. But, like it or not, I knew it was what I had to do in order to get this song completed without neglecting the other areas of my life (work, relationships....a new dishwasher).

This week's album will not be entirely instrumental. If you haven't already heard this has vocals. I pieced together the main structure of this song (guitar progression and chorus melody) early in the day, recorded a section of it on my small digital voice recorded (great tool), and proceeded with other things. I recorded the acoustic guitar first, then had another detour from recording. The analog bass part was recorded (in it's entirety) on the second take, then I recorded the first electric guitar (using the same effect from yesterday's song). There's a second electric guitar (a picking part...slightly delayed and distorted) that is pretty hidden, but it gives extra strength to the chorus section. I completed this song at 11:26pm. Plenty of time to spare.

LYRICS: "Looks like the earth is trying to disappear. As we move faster it just gets smaller. So here we are miles from everything. Circling at speeds off the charts. I can't feel my hair. My feet are off the floor. It seems the laws of science are different here. Take each other's hands now. I'll take you on a tour. The earth is now above us. Sitting where the moon was."


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