Thursday, September 10, 2009

Song072_Moving Targets

I started this instrumental with a drum loop that seemed to fit the speed/theme that I had in mind. Next, I recorded a string section that I used to structure the highs and lows of the arrangement. From there are filled in the gaps to create spacious melodies and different levels of intensity. Instrumentals are challenging in a very different way than a standard "pop" or "rock" song. I enjoy this challenge, and it's nice having a week off from creating lyrics and vocal melodies.

My method for creating this album of instrumentals is somewhat vague, but I am doing certain things to achieve a few certain goals. The broad goal this week is to create an entire album that plays from beginning to end as once cohesive piece of music (as though it were one soundtrack). I'll be listening to the song from the previous day before beginning each new song in hopes of finding the next logical starting point. I'm trying to mix up the speeds/moods of each song to capture a variety of emotions. Also, I am envisioning a (fictional) movie scene in my mind each day and tailoring the music to the (non-existent) visuals. I guess this would be easier if I just wrote each song to actual footage, but the only DVDs I have right now are "My Dinner With Andre" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre."


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