Thursday, September 3, 2009

Song065_Silver Band

I found these lyrics marked "2001," but they were incomplete. I saw a chord progression written out to the side, but I'm not sure how I originally intended for it to be played. This song's style seemed to fit this week's album, so I decided to expand on it. I started with the acoustic (strumming) guitar (also adding a Bridge section that didn't exist previously). This is the banjo's debut appearance during this project. The strings are old and need to be changed, so I had trouble keeping it in tune. Who am I kidding...I don't know how to tune it yet, but I think I got it close enough to make up a few chords. There is also analog bass (playing a simple country-style line), a solo violin (via synth), and 3 separate drum loops. I think this song would've improved with more time, but I started recording later than usual (again) today...ran out of day. Two of the vocal tracks are first takes, but it was fun singing 3-part harmony with myself.

LYRICS: "Someday, beyond the reach of refuge and ruin. Far from fear and discontent. Where love pours out in rhythm. Much like a circle that never ends...never stops, and never begins. A promise remembered by a silver band. This love goes on and on forever. If only you could be so brave to not make plans, and stop confusing 'faith' with 'good sense.' Then maybe you could feel it."


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