Monday, April 5, 2010


The foundation of today's song was written on the acoustic guitar around 1300 (Verse=F#-B, Transition=G-F#, Chorus=E-F#-B). I was able to write and record the other foundational instruments within the next hour (bass guitar, drums/cymbals, clean electric guitar strumming, and distorted guitar). The song was pretty full at this point, so I focused on writing lyrics and melodies for about an hour. I wanted to have the vocals in place before adding a few extra synth and guitar parts (to fill in gaps, enhance vocals, etc). This song ended up being about 20-24 tracks, and it took about 4.5 hours from start to finish.

LYRICS: "Words and promises seeded deep inside. Carry a single order out to the letter. Orders are: follow-through. All that you say. All the promises you make. Whatever happened to 'always?' All these promises you make. True, we argue, (and) build forts to hide. Carry a single order out to the letter. Orders are: follow-through. All that you say. All the promises you make. Whatever happened to 'always?' All these promises you make."


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