Thursday, December 31, 2009

Song184_Fast As You Can

Today's song is unique (for me) in a few ways. One, most songs that I write don't have vocals that start on the first beat of the song. Two, the layout of this song is not traditional. The 'chorus' section (which is typically a high-point) is the slower part of the progression. Some of these things are purposeful, and some are welcomed accidents. (Example: I had trouble fitting lyrics to the 'chorus' section, so I pulled the drums out hoping to make the 'verses' more intense.) This song doesn't have any guitar strumming, which was purposeful. This week I'm trying to focus less on guitar strumming and more on the song's rhythm, bass, and vocals. The lyrics were pieced together quicker than I'd like...during a 20-30 minute break, but I'm happy with the outcome. Brandon came over early today, so he was able to help with ideas. The original thought stems from an odd philosophy that I adapted during my early days of training for running races..."run as fast as you can to the half-way point, then try to run a little faster on the way back."

LYRICS: "Gunfire ended the daydream. Runners started running from nothing. Fast as you can to the finish line. Fast as you can, don't get left behind. Action ended the atrophy. Muscles now twitching and cramping. Fast as you can through the night. Fast as you can 'till you reach the prize. Lost sense of sensibility. All bets on relativity. Fast as you can, though you're winning. Fast as you can to the ending."

Today is New Year's Eve, which means that tomorrow begins a full month of FREE MUSIC to everyone on the Mailing List. Sign up at


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