Saturday, December 12, 2009


I got a late start on life today, went running around 10, and ate a large omelet around 1pm. Brandon came over around 2pm, and we dove into a keyboard idea that he brought with him (on a separate hard drive). His idea was a solid foundation that sparked lots of ideas for additional structuring, additional instruments, and vocals. We thought the song was complete after about 3 hours of additional work (and we even did a final mix), but there were lulls without vocals that made the song sound, back to work. I re-worked the vocal section, re-mixed, and finally completed this song around 8pm.

LYRICS: "Without excuse, without cause. In the middle of a war the past is gone, and we fight on. We fight on. Anticipation has its own intent, but I can't help wondering what could've been. I wouldn't be here with someone else's past, but I can't help wondering what could've been. Each land defeated is new land found. We get to choose what goes around. Anticipation has its own intent, but I can't help wondering what could've been. I wouldn't be here with someone else's past, but I can't help wondering what could've been."


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