Saturday, February 6, 2010

Song221_A New Fire

This song was written on a (clean) electric guitar at 122bpm. I created 3-4 changes in the progression (many of the chords have odd/non-standard formations), and I focused on layering each section with different melodies and/or instruments. The other instruments are: bass guitar, 2 electric guitars, 2 sets of drums, a string section, a rhythmic sequence, and 3 separate fuzz-synths. Yesterday I run out of time, not ideas, and I was frustrated by that. I hoped to redeem myself today, but I really struggled with the lyrics AND the vocal melodies on this song. I know they're there somewhere, but I chose to adapt rather than force anything. Adapting meant re-arranging a few parts of the songs and adding additional instruments that something new is always happening and you don't even miss the vocals. Did it work?


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