Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Song014_People Like You (the end of Week 2)

I am still recording today's song, but I thought I'd go ahead and make a few notes. This is one that I wrote years ago while living in Seattle (originally titled "Accidents"). Brandon and I recorded this song once (2002?). In fact, it was one of our first efforts on a ProTools system. His mom, also a good musician, built a room above their garage so her gospel quartet would have a place to rehearse. She wanted a new album recorded, but renting time in a studio can be expensive. She paid for a ProTools unit, we produced the album at no charge and got unlimited use of her computer/room. It was a pretty good deal for everyone. Anyway, I've made a few changes to this song (the new title is "People Like You"), but overall it's still a 3-piece rock song. I thought this song fit the theme of the album, and I wanted to end it with energy (like the previous album).

I have some updates to make to the website, and I'll be uploading a new album to my online store later today. The "newsletter" email will be sent later tonight also. It will have a link to the FREE song-of-the-week, so go to the website and join the Mailing List if you haven't yet. If you got the email last week then you're on the list.


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