Friday, July 10, 2009

Song 10: Sound Existence

The foundation for this instrumental song is 2 separate acoustic guitar parts. There's lots of strumming, one is double the speed of the other, and there's quite a bit of syncopation built in...I like the rhythm it creates (since there are no percussion tracks in this song). I recorded each acoustic guitar part with 3 separate mics for a full stereo effect. The instruments in this song battle each other (smooth sounds vs. harsh sounds), but I think it creates an interesting mood. It fits the dueling themes of this week's album, "Offense/Defense" (i.e. using weapons for peace, etc).

The quality of my mixes (overall) is getting better, but it seems to vary based on the instruments used in each song. Some mixes have been easier to hear than others. One day I wore out my ears recording with headphones and my final mix suffered. Mastering is a separate art form, and it's that final step that is the most noticeable. If it's done right, then the E.Q.'s and levels should match on every song. I'm making note of every detail so I can perfect the formula, but until then please be patient with the quality of my final product.


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