Monday, October 5, 2009

Song097_Storm Chaser

I wrote this song on an electric guitar, recorded it to a click, then deleted it after recording the bass guitar and solo electric guitar. This has been a reliable way of structuring the chord progression without always having a guitar strumming throughout the song. I really like how this one turned out. Especially since I didn't have a particular plan or a sound in mind. This one just worked. The opening section is very smooth, and it has minimal tracks (maybe 6?), and the Chorus section is dramatic (the "ahh" choir sends it over the top). The distorted guitar solo and fuzzy synth provide good contrast between the two sections, and the cymbal swells tie it together. I found a vocal melody that I liked for the Chorus section, and I wrote a few lyrics. Even though I liked the part, I felt like the singing distracted from what I really liked about the song...the instruments.


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