Monday, June 14, 2010

Song349_Golden Roads

I started this song with the synth sound that you hear in the intro (played to a 'click' set to 100bpm). I actually recorded a few other guitar parts on top of this track with the intention of creating the entire song out of that initial part. But, when I picked up the guitar I was hearing much faster rhythms. I left the synth intro, but I deleted the other tracks (for dramatic effect). Then, I changed the session time-clock from 100bpm to 160bpm. (By the way, can anyone tell me how to change the tempo on just one section of a ProTools session? I've successfully changed the timing within sessions...from 4/4 to 3/4 then back to 4/4. I did this by highlighting the section that I wanted altered and then making the change in the shuttle window. This didn't work when I tried it with BPM.) The ending section is a mixture of 2 electric guitars, bass guitar, and drums. I enjoy creating (and playing) fast, unique strumming patterns, so I wrote two parts into this song. Each guitar is panned to opposite sides of the stereo-field. There are about 6 tracks in today's song, and it took a total of 3 hours.


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