Saturday, November 7, 2009

Song130_Moatless Castles

Today's song/instrumental was pieced together in a unique way. I started with 2-3 drum sequences that I liked, and then I recorded a few bass guitar progressions. Then, I recorded two electric guitars, but I didn't like the flow of the song. I finally decided that it was the chord progression that was holding things back, so I deleted the guitars and re-recorded the bass track. I don't like moving backwards like that, but taking the time to ensure a good foundation always makes the final tracks easier (and more worthwhile) to record. I didn't have any good lyric or melody ideas for this song, so I focused on introducing a new instrument or sound into each repeated section (to keep it interesting).

I like the title "Moatless Castles." Viewed from an "Everything's Extra" standpoint, it makes me think of a castle salesman politely explaining to his customer that moats are not a standard feature, but rather an "optional add-on." It also stands for the physical and mental barriers that we use daily for personal protection. Education, firearms, medication, martial arts, reading, pepper-spray, forgiveness, bitterness, etc...just a few examples of modern-day moats.


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