Friday, August 28, 2009

Song059_Flames Eat Forest

The key tracks in this song are electric distorted and two picking different melodies. (The opening sounds like the band Luna during an aggressive moment). The three drum tracks are interesting to me. Two of these tracks start the song, and the third track enters before the vocals. The drums that play during the first vocal section were programmed using a new (well, new for me) software program.

The message of the song is vague, but it does apply to this week's theme. "Be aware of uncertainty (when it comes to our general safety each day), but don't let it consume you." Awareness can inspire prevention, but consumption can lead to implosion. We like thinking we have control, but in moments of weakness we're all the same. (I like Ben Stiller's character in The Royal Tannenbaum's. His fear of the unknown turned into a humorous way that only he could've portrayed).

LYRICS: "Here we stand. This ground beneath us (is) like loose-packed sand. I sense the shifting. I promise you. I'm yours forever. Hold my hand. Let's go down together. You slow way down so you can stare. Then the visuals haunt you. You try to act like you don't care, but the bitterness gets you. Cars will crash (and) flames (will) eat the forest. We might burn out, but love can carry us."


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