Friday, August 21, 2009

Song052_Miles Apart

Brandon and I started recording this song around 3pm. We agreed to expand on a previous session idea (mainly the lead guitar track), but after an hour of problems we decided to take a new direction. We created an entirely new session file, and we started a new idea from scratch. This idea began with an acoustic guitar (strumming) track. We added some drums, analog bass, 2 electric guitars, 3 horns (trombone, french horn, and trumpet), a string section (on the chorus only), some cymbal swells, and....maybe something else. The song took shape quickly (we weren't too sure about the idea until we were 5-6 tracks into it). I created a theme and some lyrics earlier in the day, but I had trouble getting them to fit the music. I settled for singing the chorus lines only...probably better than nothing.

The idea for the lyrics came earlier this morning. There's lots of talk (and evidence) of the world getting smaller...becoming "one." It would not be surprising if the entire world ends up with one currency, one central human-data-base system, one leader, etc....but how about one language? Are there people working on that issue? I'd be surprised if there weren't. It would have to be a technological breakthrough that didn't require a learning curve or have to cycle through generations in order to gain momentum. Maybe an implanted smart-chip that analyzes your speech on the way out and alters it based on your personal language. I bet the expensive chips will have the option to change your voice quality and tone. All the wealthy will sound sexy.

LYRICS: "We pass in silence, but not from lack of interest. We just have different languages. The world is getting smaller, but our speech still keeps us miles apart."


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