Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today's song is similar to yesterday's. It has a dark, low-fidelity sound, but it also has abrupt changes in the progressions as well as the overall mood. I started this session with a series of drum sequences, and then I added the main electric guitar that plays throughout the song. I like the gritty/clean sound of the main guitar. Next, I added bass guitar and 2 additional electric guitars. There are also 4-5 synth tracks and 4 vocal tracks. Today's song took about 5 hours to write and record.

LYRICS: "Brace for the troubles on the rise. Brace for the waters rollin' in high. Brace for the weather, the winds, the fire. Brace for the worst, earth is on the decline. Brace for the impact of your new metal outfit. Brace for the whiplash as reality shakes it. My pants are full of ants. It's time to get things started. But, you're all I want, and you're all I need."

PS: Kroger is having a 7-day "Meat Mania" sale. I guess that's better than an "Expired Meat Give-Away," but it made me laugh when I thought of the graphic artist having to find clip-art to coincide with the 12ft meat-themed banner.


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