Sunday, October 11, 2009

Song103_Reverent Awe

In a few ways, this song is my favorite (so far) of the week. I like the way the rhythms, synths, and guitars partner together on this one. And, it has a variety of sounds and sections so that it always seems to be changing. Each change doesn't just add instruments or get louder/quieter, but they also seem to have very different textures. I'm using synth sounds (and software) that I'm still getting familiar with. There are lots of sounds, and a limited amount of time each day. Sometimes I can't be too selective...especially if I already have a sound in my head that I'm searching the computer to find. I try to narrow down the qualities of each sound that I'm looking for, and then find something similar, record it, and move on. The mixing and mastering techniques have changed slightly this week because of the new sounds and style. After five days of this style I have learned some new tricks, and I'm happy with the final E.Q./levels.

I encountered another problem with the online jukebox that I'm using, so please be patient while I find a solution. I created a new account with SnoCap (so I'd have room for the next 100 songs), but there have been issues with publishing rights on the newest songs (?). I think I confused them by created two accounts. I have asked them for recommendations, but they typically take a while to respond. I will try to get things working as soon as possible.


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