Friday, October 2, 2009

Song094_Ten Times Over

The foundation of this song is an acoustic guitar that strums throughout. This was how the song was written, and it was also the first track recorded. The bass guitar and string sections were recorded next...followed by the two electric guitars (picking single notes in different octaves). Brandon came by around 1:30pm and recorded the drums live (simple set-up...2 overhead mics and one on the snare...kick drum created using MIDI). Brandon engineered while I recorded the 3-part harmony section of vocals. I wrote the lyrics and the melody in 15-20 minutes, so it was seeming like we were close to finished, but the final details took another few hours. I had to mix this one 3 times before I was happy with the final E.Q., mix, and levels. My ears are tired. How does it sound?

LYRICS: "Love is such that it never goes bad, (it) spreads like wildfire. Ten times over."


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