Friday, March 5, 2010

Song248_From Lovers to Friends

I starting writing around 0900 today. I was able to record until 1100, and in that time I got the acoustic guitar and bass guitar written and recorded. However, when I came back to it (around 1500) I wasn't happy with any of it. The chord progression was probably covered in the first Mel Bay instructional book, and the recording was sub-par. Anyway, Brandon came over, we deleted everything and started from scratch. I had an idea come to me quickly, so I recorded the acoustic guitar and then the bass guitar. We filled in each section with unique drum sequences, and then I began writing lyrics and vocals (while Brandon added the electric guitar to the singing sections). The melodies were easy to find, but I went through 3-4 drafts of lyrics before settling on these (below). I felt like I could've expanded on this song idea...maybe by adding e-bow guitars, maybe more back-up singing, maybe some trumpets? One of the goals this week was to keep it simple, so I was wise to stop when I did.

LYRICS: "Here we are. Together apart. On our own again. From lovers just to friends."


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