Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Today's song completes another week of recording. The newest album, Week47_Giant Blind Spots, will be available for sale later today at http://www.anewsongeveryday.com/.

Today's song is an 8-track instrumental that consists of: drums, percussive tics, bass guitar, an electric guitar strumming chords (First section=Bm-C-G-D, Second section=Em-C-G-D), 3 electric guitars picking solo notes, and one synth part that appears in the center section only. I wrote the chord progression in 10-minutes, recorded the initial guitar in one take, and the rest fell into place within 2 hours. This is good because I still have to create the album cover, update the website, create the weekly email/links, prepare for tomorrow's song (which begins a new album), eat lunch, mow the yard, run, work on a web design project, buy a new drawing pen, feed the rabbits, etc.

Only 5 weeks remaining!


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