Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Song204_Status Update

I got the newest album uploaded last night (Week29_Nothing Drastic)...available at

Today's song begins a new album (Week30_T Minus 3). I'm returning to a more familiar style of music. I wrote this song today, and it seemed to hit me all at once. I got a melody in my head, guessed what the chords might be, picked up a guitar to figure out the chords (I was close), and then I recorded the drums and bass guitar. From there, I recorded the two electric guitar parts (one strumming and one picking). I decided to write and record vocals before adding the final set of instruments.

The lyrics were written within a 45-minute period. They started off dark, and then they got darker. Some of the darkness was necessary (and personal), but I also wanted to make a case for faith and hope.

LYRICS: "In effort to forget, I recalled everything. Hoping that facing it might erase its face. Hurt is not a permanent status. Don't adapt your life to live in sadness. Hope is elusive, not fiction. Instinctively we dig and bury deep the past. But keep some memories. Some should last. Hurt is not a permanent status. Don't adapt your life to live in sadness. Hope is elusive, not fiction."


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